Free Board (KOR)

Free Board (KOR)

Shiny white Clouds

2022-11-15 19:30
For you


I glimpsed scattered houses

In the openwork lace of the clouds

Soft and indifferent

Totaly beautiful

They merge with my gaze

Only togheter do we exist

And everything is irreducibly perfect

My gaze stretches far

Beyond the window

Beyond the clouds

It sinks into my truest emotions

The languor of beauty

it's so similar to our better moment

And this indistinct flow is also making love

Which softens my heart

They don't know they forget

They don't know they exist

But they make me forget

And they make me exist

These shiny white clouds

I devoured with my eyes

Yet I own nothing

If not the breath that circulate

Caress me and the clouds

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